See Key Conditions for Suspense: Table of Contents. While it feels a little bit on the disorganized side, it paints a very clear picture of elements of good writing.

The feeling of disorganization is entirely because I built software and I like a little better definition of process. Or a more formal layout of the underlying information that leads to the resulting text. However. I can work with this to make something that fits my brain’s patterns.

Also, see Understanding Character Wounds: A List Of Common Themes. And this: Building Characters Layer by Layer.

Revisiting a few things in Book II. I think I’ve been lazy and assumed the reader is familiar with Book I. While I personally wait until an entire series is available before starting any of it, that’s not the way books are published. There are long gaps in time, so refreshers on the re-appearing minor characters are required.

Indeed, a refresher on the major characters is also necessary. Mostly because the characters change as the story progresses. Lesson are learned. Sorrows accumulate. It’s #grimdark, and there’s a body count which is an emotional burden on everyone.


Added this: Thrill Me: Essays on Fiction by Benjamin Percy. These may also be useful insights. This appears to be a compendium of analyses of several brilliant writers.




